Friday, April 25, 2014

Base View

I have decided that I want to create a blog, mostly because my friends are doing it... also, because I've tried to blog before, and it didn't turn out so well. So, I'm trying again, because if you fall, then you dust yourself off and try again.
Now I have that song stuck in my head.

So, To start, I'll explain why I've named it "A "Little" View of Everything".

It all started because I have discovered that I have a "little" personality. Some people would say that I am, in fact, a little. Others would say that I have a little (possibly even more than one). I think that I am just me, but that my personality falls into the category of little.

Now... I'm saying all this, but you may not know what a "little" is. Well... the Urban Dictionary's definition for it as I mean it is this:

3. little
Used to describe someone who roleplays as an age younger than they are in a BDSM dynamic.
That little is so cute! I just want to spank her.

My own definition of this word varies slightly from this definition.
I do not think that all littles are roleplayers. A little to me is a personality trait, often characterized as childlike, bubbly, hyper, adorable, cute, womderful. . . Okay, I might be taking that a lil' too far. . .
Little's can engage in roleplay. I'm sure there are even people who role play as a younger age that don't identify themselves as littles.
I also don't think you need to be in a BDSM Dynamic in order to identify as a little, or even to be looking for any sort of dynamic.

It's what's inside that counts!

I am going to use this blog to chronicle my emerging little-ness, and also to share what's going on in the world through my random eyes. It's mostly for me to go back and read later, but if you're not me and you're reading this. . . 1. You're AWESOME! and 2. Thanks so very much for reading!

So, that's all for now. . . But I'm hoping to post again really, really soon!

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